Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Is there a job waiting for you?

Last January 16, 2016 at Let's tak about career show at DZME 1530, it's the first time that I don't have any guest. Basically because everyone were busy and I myself likes to check if I can do it alone which, with flying colors, I did. Thanks to playing songs too of Dan Hill: The King of Romance for accompanying me on that lovely day.

I discussed topic from the book of one of the Filipino Motivational Speaker, Lloyd Luna. I encountered him first way back when I was still taking up my Masters in Management Major in Engineering Management. He was our speaker and with him of course was his best book.

Is there a job waiting for you? A question where our friends who likes to shift careers, newly graduate students or those who doesn't have a job right now have in mind. The tuth is, YES, there's a job waiting for everyone. The only question might be is, "What kind of job awaits?."

In these days and age, depending on your dream job, you must have the following;


Though not everyone I know landed in their dream job even with the qualifications stated above. The ASEAN Integration is happening with so many investors coming in the Philippines from different industries and looking for skilled manpower and talents. Right now, The Philippines based on statistics have 100 Million people which is 3 times bigger than Malaysia with more investors because of the talents and for being adaptable.

Again, the question "Is there a job waiting for you?." My opinion is yes, as long as one is not choosy yet, there will always be.

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